Donor and Alumni Relations Development

Aidan Cliff

Development Director

Year: Junior
Hometown: Lancaster, PA
Major: Finance
Minor: Information Systems Management

Previous THON Involvement

THON 2019: Donor and Alumni Relations Committee Member
THON 2020: Development Captain

Why did you want to be a Director?

I have been coming to THON for the majority of my life. My cousin, Lauren, is a Four Diamonds child and she is here today largely because of the work that staff at Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital, Four Diamonds, and thousands of student volunteers put in each year to raise money all For The Kids®. Since I can remember, I knew that I wanted to come to Penn State to be a part of the magic that is THON. This past year as a captain on Development, I loved the work I was able to do and knew that I wanted to continue making an impact in the THON community as a director.

What responsibilities do you have as the Development Director for THON 2021?

Overall, the Development committee oversees relations with thousands of corporate and individual donors all across the country. Each year, we maintain relationships with our corporate sponsors, help to engage and steward individual donors everywhere, and create new, unique ways for students and THON supporters to fundraise on behalf of THON. As the Development director, I will maintain preexisting relationships with past corporate sponsors, help to create new opportunities for more corporate partnerships, and oversee a committee of captains working on all different aspects of THON's fundraising. Additionally, this role gives me the opportunity to work extensively with external stakeholders of THON and gives me the opportunity to share our mission with new people every year.

What is your favorite THON memory?

It's hard to limit this question down to one because you get to have so many special moments each and every year at THON. One that does stick out to me, though, is from THON 2020 after the pep-rally on Saturday night. My co-captains and I had just finished a stressful distribution of thousands of shirts around the entirety of the BJC and Cash Cash had just begun to perform. The energy in the BJC at this time was palpable. Almost 32 hours in, thousands of dancers, volunteers, supporters, and families alike were on their feet, cheering for an incredible performance. I just remember being right in front of the stage looking around and seeing pure joy on almost everyone's face who was there. This is the magic of THON that everyone who has been talks about.

Favorite Quote

"If everything feels under control, you're just not going fast enough."

What are you involved in outside of THON?

Phi Chi Theta Professional Business Fraternity, Happy Valley Capital

What are your plans for after you graduate from Penn State?

I would like to begin working for a technology startup in New York, San Francisco, or London!