Alumni Dancer Mail Call

Unable to make it to THON weekend, but still want to get involved? Dancer Mail Call is a great opportunity to show your support for the dancers so they can be there For The Kids®. This year the THON community is asking all alumni to either mail in or upload mail that will be distributed to dancers throughout the weekend.

Former dancer? Feel free to write a note about your dancing experience in order to inspire those standing up to childhood cancer for 46 hours this year.

For paper copy submissions, you can write messages on construction paper and mail it to the label at the bottom. You can also scan and upload your letter in the dropbox below. Below are some helpful hints for making dancer mail. If you have any questions, please reach out to

Hard copy submissions must be received or postmarked before 2/10/2020. Online submissions are due by 2/12/2020.


Penn State Dance Marathon (Mail Call)

Attn: Alumni Mail 123A, 227D Hetzel Union Building

University Park, PA 16802

Alumni Kid’s Mail Call

Kids’ Mail is handmade mail created to be given to children of the THON Community during THON Weekend’s Kids’ Mail Call event. The mail serves as an opportunity for the THON Community to directly express its love and support For The Kids®! The mail is meant to be colorfully inspiring, uplifting, and silly as well!

You don’t have to be at Penn State to make Kids’ Mail; anyone can make it! If you are desiring to make some Kids’ Mail to be given to families at Kids’ Mail Call, simply follow the instructions below as you make it:

Submissions must be submitted by 2/14/2020.

Once you have made your Kids’ Mail, please send it to the THON Office’s address:

227D Hetzel Union Building

University Park, PA 16802

Kid’s Mail Call

Kids’ Mail is handmade mail created to be given to children of the THON Community during THON Weekend’s Kids’ Mail Call event. The mail serves as an opportunity for the THON Community to directly express its love and support For The Kids®! The mail is meant to be colorfully inspiring, uplifting, and silly as well!

You don’t have to be at Penn State to make Kids’ Mail; anyone can make it! If you are desiring to make some Kids’ Mail to be given to families at Kids’ Mail Call, simply follow the instructions below as you make it:


Once you have made your Kids’ Mail, please send it to the THON Office’s address:

227D Hetzel Union Building

Dancer Mail Call

Things to do:

Make it positive

Be creative!

Tell jokes

Keep it FTK®!

Tell your story with Penn State or THON


Things to not do:

Sleeping or how tired they must be


The weather


Kid’s Mail Call

Things to do:

Keep it appropriate For The Kids®!

Include encouraging messages, quotes, lyrics, kid-friendly jokes, etc.!

Have fun with it! Add drawings, lots of color, and/or stickers!

Use the correct spellings of words!

Follow the rules of proper punctuation and grammar!


Things to not do:

Include specific names of kids

Mention any indication of illness (such as “Get Well Soon”, “Keep Fighting”, “You’re so strong”, “We’re rooting for you,” etc.)

Mention any specific upcoming holidays

Include any messages or jokes that are not FTK®