by Ella Rubenstein

Kappa Alpha Theta, Beta Phi Chapter, has over 200 members connected to pushing the mission of THON™. Theta’s members continue to show their love and dedication by fundraising through DonorDrive, THON’s sole online giving platform. For this organization spotlight, the challenge was to send the most fundraising emails through DonorDrive. 

In THON 2023, Theta raised over $162,000 and had five dancers proudly represent the organization. Each year, with constant inspiration and support from fundraisers, members of Kappa Alpha Theta continue to work hard, For The Kids®!

After winning this month’s challenge, we spoke with Kappa Alpha Theta’s Primary Chair, Holly Householder. Holly is senior studying supply chain from Jenkintown, PA. She has been involved in THON all four years of college, beginning her journey as a THON Rules & Regulations Committee Member in 2020. She has since been involved in Theta on its corporate committee and Junior Overall Chair for THON 2023. Here are Holly’s answers to questions about herself and Theta:

What is special about your organization’s THON efforts?

“Something special about Theta’s THON efforts is that of our nearly 200 members, the majority feels a very special connection to THON and their mission. This allows us to build morale for THON Weekend, as well as create a collaborative environment in which everyone wants to help fundraise, spend time with our paired families, and participate in as many THON related events as possible! The dedication that each and every member feels towards THON creates such a special feeling that I am so proud to be a part of.”

What is your favorite THON memory?

“My favorite THON memory has to be spending the Final Four hours of THON 2023 on the floor with Kappa Alpha Theta’s dancers, along with two of our four paired families. Not only does the Final Four give you the opportunity to fully understand why we THON, but to experience those moments with our families that been directly impacted by childhood cancer and forever changed by the Four Diamonds Organization is something I will never forget. Having that experience with our amazing dancers was an amazing way to conclude our efforts for that year, and gave us motivation for the next fundraising season and all the years to follow!”

What are you looking forward to most as Kappa Alpha Theta’s Primary Chair for THON 2024?

“I am most excited to work alongside our three other chairs: Ella Tarris, Olivia Stetz, and Ali Mae Lewis to lead our organization through a fun and successful year! As a member of Kappa Alpha Theta since my freshman year, I was always so inspired by the primary chairs and all of their time and dedication spent towards our organization. The chairs that have come before me are one of the biggest reasons why I am so in love with THON and its mission, and I truly hope that I become the reason why some people choose to get involved in the future.”

Is there anything that you would like to share about your organization?

“We are paired with four amazing families: The Zepps, Machemers, Inches, and Bakers! We are so grateful for our relationships with all of them, and always making an effort to spend time with them! Fun fact: We will be hanging out with the Bakers for the Penn State-Rutgers football game in a few weeks!”

Photos: Courtesy of Holly Householder