by Samantha Hendrzak

Every year THON draws in thousands of students to participate in the largest student-run philanthropy event, but with that, many have to say goodbye to THON. Ashlyn Wilson, a fifth year student from Durham, NC, is participating in her final THON as a dancer this year.

Wilson has been involved with THON since her freshman year of college, when she started canning for her organization, American Institute of Architecture Students. Since her experience from canning, it was a dream for her to become a dancer. Wilson mentioned how her love for THON has grown so much over the past five years, that it was obvious she’d need to dance one of them.

Since THON is virtual this year, everyone is experiencing it differently. Wilson is dancing from a college house in State College. She is being supported by her THON dancer partner, organization and family. Wilson stays motivated throughout the weekend by participating in activities her organization has put together, and having private family hours with her immediate family. She wants to make sure she is constantly motivated to stay standing for all 46-hours of THON.

For Wilson it has been a longtime coming to participate in THON as a dancer. She feels blessed and honored that she was chosen to dance for her organization. Even though it is her last year participating in THON, she got her final year to rise and unify with the Penn State community, as a dancer. It is something she will never forget, and will always be grateful she got 5 years worth of THON.